Monday, 20 January 2014

Sound Concepts and Music Development

Our group considered using certain sounds and nursery rhymes that we believed would work well in our trailer, as we has mentioned in our pitch that our "demonic book" would contain catchy melodies. We decided that scariest sounding nursery rhymed was "Ring around the rosie". We then decided to use YouTube to find an altered version that had different sound effects to fit the purpose of our trailer. We thought this version was very fitting and appropriate for our trailer and so will use it when editing our footage. We wanted the soundclip to fade in slowly over Gianne's singing which will act ass the catalyst in the course of her being possessed.

We decided that this wasn't enough however. We wanted to use a haunting melody throughout parts of the trailer that could be played softly during a scene where characters are speaking but then would increase dramatically when we do not wish to use diegetic sounds. We searched once again on YouTube and discovered the haunted music box melody which we thought was perfect for our trailer.

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