Monday, 28 April 2014

Analysing our Teaser Trailer: Good Points

Creating our trailer proved to be long and difficult, alternating between the time needed to shoot the scenes and editing our footage. Not to mention the use of other softwares such Adobe After Effects to create the titles.

We had a relatively strong opening. Our choice of music and the use of subsonic sounds helped to create a tense atmosphere. The image of the company logo also appeared in syncopation to the subsonic noise and opening of the music.

 The use of the montage was effective with the sudden "booming" sounds creating a strong impact with the images. The combination of the sounds and the images also help to catch some of the audience off guard, frightening them. This would classify as a jump scare.

 The use of the handheld camera made the trailer more engaging and was successful in creating a sense of realism and unease for the audience. This factor works well with our horror genre.

                                                                                 Using the handheld camera helped in creating unease among the audience, creating a personal experience between the character holding the camera and people in the audience.

The motion of the handheld camera also creates a sense of panic which again puts the audience in unease and helps to build tension.


I believe our trailer was very successful in representing the religious aspect of our theme and genre. Having our main character wear a cross which creates religious symbolism and links religion to sub-genre of possession.

In our film footage we included visual symbolism of religion to further link our trailer to this theme. For example we have a view of the crucifix hanging on the wall behind Gianne and we can see that this section of the library is labeled 'Religion'. Gianne then moved infront of the crucifix, blocking it from view. This is a sign of foreshadowing and the unfortunate event that is soon to come i.e she becomes possessed.
                                                                                                                                                    Another successful way we linked our trailer to religion through the images of the demons used as a short montage when Gianne opens the book. This might seem unusual at first since demons and evil are not the first thing people think about when it comes to religion They usual think of the opposite, about God, Jesus, divinity when they think of Christianity.

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