Friday, 25 April 2014

Final Film Poster

We chose to use this one as our final film poster. After asking our class mates what they thought, this was the preferred one as they thought it was more effective and looked more professional. Our group also preferred this one because it was successful in conveying our genre in a professional way.

On the left where it says "Hear no evil", Valentino has edited the crackling effect on the side of the protagonist's face, near her ear to emphasise the word "hear" and the action of its property. On the right where it says "Speak no Evil", he has edited the crackling effect near her mouth to emphasis the word "speak" and notion of speech.

We decided to use the effect of cracks to show the corruption of the protagonist's character when she becomes possessed. The cracks near her ear represents the demon's influence on her mind that control her actions. She can only listen to the demon in the state of possession due to it's power and it being unbeatable - hence the title "INVICTUS" which is Latin for "unconquered / unconquerable / unbeatable".
The cracks near her mouth represents the corruption of the protagonists speech. Her own speech has been restricted by the demon who has possessed her. Instead, she begins to sing nursery rhymes in a creepy and unsettling way.

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