“Night of the Living Dead”
‘Night of the Living Dead’ is a black-and-white American independent horror film
directed by George A. Romero in 1968. The film story is about a group of people
trapped in a rural farmhouse in Pennsylvania which is then attacked by the
‘living dead’ monsters, which they are now popular known as zombies. The film
was premiered in October 1968 with the budget of $114,000 with a successful
gross profit of $12 million domestically and $18 million internationally.
Night of the Living Dead carries the stereotypical conventions of a horror film in the terms of the Mise-en-scene, in which it includes the usual dark and gory scenes. The plot involves the plight of a group of friends, both male and female, attempting to survive the newly-buried rise from their graves with a hunger for human flesh.
the film is in black and white, it is very clear to see that certain scenes are
darker and grainy to represent the scary mood that horror films can carry.
Location of ‘Night of the Living Dead’ is set in Pennsylvania in which the
characters are staying near a grave in a closed off area. Graves and closed off
areas are general genre conventions of horror films, in which the region of the
film can also be identified by the characters accents and dialogue.
main props used in ‘Night of the Living Dead’ are used a weapons such as guns
and axes, which a quite stereotypical for horror films as the living fights to
survive. The choice of weapon can also reveal the social class of the
characters, in which the more wealthy characters would use guns and the less
wealthy would use axes and whatever household weapon they can find.
lot of the eerie and disturbing music for of ‘Night of the Living Dead’ was in
fact not composed for the film; a lot of the music used in the film was
purchased from the library of Capitol Record. The music was used to stereo-typically create the tense and shocking mood for the audience in the lead
up of all the jump scares.
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